All MindManager General Topics

Different views on same data set

Voting Open hret MindManager General Comments: 5 Reply 5 months ago by Ary V.
3 votes

App Studio question - Link subfolder

Answered René W. MindManager General Comments: 2 Reply 5 months ago by René W.

Gannt Chart task order

Answered Mitchell MindManager General Comments: 8 Reply 5 months ago by Marian K.

New MM Update 23.1.243

Discussion Open René W. MindManager General Comments: 2 Reply 5 months ago by René W.


Answered Kevin N. MindManager General Comments: 2 Reply 5 months ago by krsto e.


Answered Kevin N. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 5 months ago by Jörg

Swimlane Template

Answered Gerald N. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 5 months ago by Marian K.

Display alternate time units for roll-up tasks

Voting Open James T. 5 months ago MindManager General No Comments
2 votes

Where is my data stored and how is it secured?

Answered Steve MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 5 months ago by Marian K.

Move a Task up or down in Gantt Chart view

Answered Thomas F. MindManager General Comments: 3 Reply 5 months ago by Thomas F.

show online how much have read/answer the question/idea

Voting Open Jörg MindManager General Comments: 2 Reply 5 months ago by Jörg
4 votes

Skript Fehler

Answered Daniela F. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 5 months ago by René W.

My question relates to a Mind Map and Power Point

Answered Simon MindManager General Comments: 3 Reply 5 months ago by Alex G.

Visualize BOM structure

Discussion Open Marcel K. MindManager General Comments: 5 Reply 5 months ago by Marcel K.

Edit tag names using the 'Find and Replace' function

Discussion Open Angus M. MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 5 months ago by Angus M.

Windows & MAC comparison chart 23 Version

Discussion Open René W. MindManager General Comments: 2 Reply 5 months ago by René W.

Maps nach Neuinstallation hochladen

Answered Jürgen K. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 5 months ago by Marian K.
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