How to add a swimlane to an existing swimlane diagram

John S. shared this question 5 months ago
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I have an existing swimlane diagram with 4 swim lanes and simply want to add a 5th swimlane. Nothing that I have tried works This should be EASY,

Replies (2)


To insert a swim lane:

Click the Swim Lane toolbar button or choose Insert > Swim Lane.

Choose either Horizontal Swim Lanes or Vertical Swim Lanes.

Click in the map where you want the swim lanes, hold down the mouse button, and drag. The more you drag, the more swim lanes are created. › mac › pgs

Adding swim lanes - MindManager


To add another lane to an existing swimlane shape, click on it to select it (green frame) then right-click on the frame and click "Format Object...". There is a selector in the formatting menu for changing the number of lanes.


Or better.. as someone pointed out to me

  • Click on the swimlanes object to select it (green border around whole shape)
  • Click in an adjacent lane to highlight it (green rectangle around one lane)
  • Right-click and choose "Insert Lane Above" or "Insert Lane below"


Thanks for the replies. After hours of trying to figure it out (again, something that should be so simple), I moved on to a different tool.


Thank you John S.

We have learned from this, that what is easy and simple to us, maybe extremely difficult for others.

Just curious... did you even bother to try our suggestions? And, if so, was it still too complex for you?
