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Software Language

Answered D K. MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 18 months ago by D K.

Strange folder icon

Answered MC MindManager General Comments: 2 Reply 18 months ago by Guest

Bug when printing from the web-version

Answered Harald B. MindManager Web Comments: 1 Reply 18 months ago by Marian K.

XML error; can't open file

Answered Jim O. MindManager Mac Comments: 5 Reply 18 months ago by Greg R.

Why to i have to login again and again and again ?

Answered Markus R. MindManager General Comments: 3 Reply 18 months ago by Sia

How can I change my log-in email address?

Answered Jim G. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 19 months ago by Ary V.

Is there a limit to map size?

Answered Chowming L. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 18 months ago by Sia

MM Enterprise 23 - New features?

Discussion Open Richard P. MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 17 months ago by Richard P.

Problem - Linked map?

Discussion Open Gunilla A. 19 months ago MindManager General No Comments

right click > lock / unlock - not visible

Discussion Open O H. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 19 months ago by Ary V.

Help: Zip archive processing error.

Discussion Open Guoqiang F. 19 months ago MindManager Windows No Comments

Is it possible to use a where clause in formulas?

Discussion Open boertjebartje63 MindManager Windows Comments: 7 Reply 18 months ago by Alex G.

View previous revisions

Discussion Open DH L. MindManager Windows Comments: 1 Reply 19 months ago by Alex G.

Inherit tags

Answered MC MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 16 months ago by Alex G.
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