All Ideas

Why ain`t Manage resources more user freindly?

Voting Open Roar H. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 17 months ago by Alex G.
2 votes

Feature request: stop ribbon auto-hiding on Mac

Voting Open Ant P. MindManager Mac Comments: 1 Reply 18 months ago by Ary V.
2 votes

Copy topic and map themes between maps

Voting Open Nick D. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 18 months ago by Alex G.
5 votes

Calculation of differences between hours

Voting Open patrick.neveu MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 18 months ago by Alex G.
4 votes

Calculation of date difference

Voting Open patrick.neveu MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 18 months ago by Alex G.
4 votes

I dream of a possibility of an ergonomic Gantt

Voting Open patrick.neveu 18 months ago MindManager General No Comments
4 votes

Word synchronisation

Voting Open patrick.neveu MindManager Windows Comments: 2 Reply 18 months ago by patrick.neveu
2 votes

New content control setting: Add topics

Voting Open Nick D. 18 months ago MindManager General No Comments
2 votes

Standard Vorlage für Export nach Word

Voting Open Lars T. MindManager General Comments: 2 Reply 18 months ago by Lars T.
2 votes

Gantt Chart - Online Access

Voting Open Jim G. MindManager Web Comments: 3 Reply 19 months ago by Alex G.
4 votes

Calendar-View created/edited Maps - new feature

Voting Open hans.paepke 19 months ago MindManager General No Comments
4 votes

Automatic author tag

Voting Open Skelly, S. 19 months ago MindManager General No Comments
7 votes

kick out an user from a co-editing session

Voting Open Andreas L. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 19 months ago by Ary V.
4 votes

Project (Parent) label in tag/schedule view

Voting Open MC MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 19 months ago by Alex G.
1 vote

Project and subtask automatic dependecies

Voting Open MC MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 19 months ago by K.-M. H.
3 votes

Bidirectonal sync for Map RollUp

Voting Open MC MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 19 months ago by gslade_2
7 votes

Use F3 to centre any map object, not just topics

Voting Open Nick D. 20 months ago MindManager General No Comments
2 votes

Use split window more effectively for browsing maps

Voting Open Nick D. 20 months ago MindManager General No Comments
5 votes

Mindamager Snap - smaller window

Voting Open Rick B. MindManager Snap Comments: 1 Reply 20 months ago by Ary V.
4 votes

Export selected topics

Voting Open marc s. 20 months ago MindManager Mac No Comments
2 votes
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