Smart rules print overview

Jörg shared this idea 18 months ago
Voting Open

When I have more then 10 Smart Rules - it's normal - it's a little bit confusing to get a overview of all smart rules.
I think it would be very helpfull if its possible to export all smart rules with all trigger and effects maybe a *.pdf to get a overview special to find mistakes.

Replies (2)


I support the idea. It would be useful to be able to do this for all the SmartRules in the current map, or with all those in the SmartRules Library. However, rather than turning the list into a PDF it would be simpler to just allow the SmartRules set to be copied and made available for pasting in Word or other document (which could be turned into a PDF) or even back into the map as topics.

There should also be a similar facility for formulas.


It is possible that this has already been mentioned in another proposal.
- Enlarge the window
- A comment column for each Smart Rule

In my opinion, working with the library could be improved.
2 columns
- Library on the left side and the current library on the right side
- Moving the SmartRules from left to right like in the ribbon
