View by Fill Color

Nick D. shared this idea 15 months ago
Voting Open

Topic fill colours are used less frequently than icons or tags for visual mark-up, but have two advantages:

  • They don't make the map bigger or increase the visual clutter.
  • The fill colour is assigned with a Topic Style, while icons and tags are not.

It would be good to have a View by Fill Colour (like the Icon and Tag views), so that topics can be quickly sorted by named colour. If a fill colour has been given a name in the Map Index, it would be helpful to show this as a tooltip when hovering over the topic, in the same way that Icon marker names are shown.

Replies (1)


I think this would be a great idea.

In the same vein, I'd also like to be able to have a View by Topic Property. I'll propose this as a separate idea.
