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Answered LE G. MindManager General Comments: 2 Reply 2 days ago by LE G.

Can you create instances of a branch?

Discussion Open D P. MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 5 days ago by Alex G.

functional limitation by admin

Discussion Open Jörg MindManager General Comments: 3 Reply 3 days ago by Marian K.

Is it possible to set up a hotkey to run a macro?

Discussion Open John S. 7 days ago MindManager Windows No Comments

Vorlage / MindMaps für QualitätsManagement

Discussion Open Sacha S. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 7 days ago by Andreas L.

Macro to add reciprocal links?

Discussion Open John S. Macros Comments: 2 Reply 7 days ago by John S.

Open: extend list of last maps

Voting Open Andreas L. 10 days ago MindManager General No Comments
6 votes


Voting Open Frank-Peter W. Macros Comments: 2 Reply 10 days ago by Alex G.
1 vote

Task checkbox - on or off

Answered JamesAK MindManager General Comments: 4 Reply 10 days ago by Alex G.

pls add the editing functionality to the iphone app

Voting Open john MindManager Go Comments: 3 Reply 10 days ago by Andreas L.
2 votes

additional characteristics for email

Discussion Open Jörg MindManager Windows Comments: 3 Reply 18 days ago by Alex G.

Automatic formatting in Texts

Voting Open Thomas K. 25 days ago MindManager Windows No Comments
1 vote

MS Project Export for MindManager for Mac

Voting Open Robert F. MindManager Mac Comments: 1 Reply 10 days ago by Andreas L.
2 votes

MindManager side-scrolling issue

Discussion Open jie F. 32 days ago MindManager Windows No Comments
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