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Enable / disable word wrapping in Topic Notes

Voting Open Nick D. 10 months ago MindManager General No Comments
2 votes

Not saving any files, not a wifi issue

Answered Scott P. MindManager Web Comments: 2 Reply 10 months ago by Sia

How to open folders and files in the integrated browser

Discussion Open Dr. H. MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 10 months ago by Oleksii L.

Is there a way to export to non-interactive HTML?

Answered Brad MindManager Windows Comments: 3 Reply 10 months ago by Sia

How to search for numbers?

Discussion Open Ray 10 months ago MindManager Windows No Comments

Enable MindManager maps to be indexed

Voting Open Nick D. MindManager Windows Comments: 12 Reply 7 months ago by krsto e.
4 votes

How to export to excel topic property as headers?

Discussion Open Sartaj B. MindManager General Comments: 3 Reply 10 months ago by René W.

Importing into Word

Discussion Open Ernest T. MindManager Snap Comments: 1 Reply 10 months ago by Ary V.

Template example help

Discussion Open David L. MindManager Web Comments: 1 Reply 10 months ago by René W.

Export to Excel: Kosten

Answered Michael F. MindManager General Comments: 3 Reply 10 months ago by Jörg

Number List Behavior Mixed Types based on Level

Discussion Open jeffreywhunter MindManager General Comments: 1 Reply 10 months ago by Alex G.

Milestone deseletion locks out dates

Discussion Open David L. MindManager Web Comments: 1 Reply 10 months ago by Andreas L.
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