Word Export

Philippe N. shared this question 3 years ago
Discussion Open


I'm trying new MM2021, with export Word function.

Unfortunately i'v got many issues with word styles conversion :

- Level 5 Title presents a "I" just before numerotation ie like I2.1.3.1 instead of for example

- Normal style conversion fails even if i choose the good settings. (ie like style not jusified, successive left withdrawals)

Is this problem identified ? / being supported ?



Replies (8)


Are you exporting with a Word template or using the inbuilt map style?


Thanks @Alex G for your interest,

Even if i use my personnal Word template or the inbuilt map style, I've got successive left withdrawals, and many settings styles are corrupted.

There are no withdrawals only when i use Document formatting/Custom numbering/ Number "Until 9 level" and Ident until "No identing"

However, even if Template & Style settings are well mapped, my settings styles become corrupted in my destination word file.

Could you try and see if you've got the same issue (ie for example normal style justified in your Normal.dotm=> become not justified for Notes in your outpufile.docx)

Thanks for your help,



I’ll try to have a look later this evening (Sydney time). Just to clarify, when you say “left withdrawals” do you mean indenting and if so is the whole paragraph indented, or just the first line, or vice versa? And do you want the indents to be there, or not?


Effectively, when I say “left withdrawals” I mean indenting ; sorry for my translation ;-)

I'd like no indenting in the output file.

I found one way to do this with Document formatting/Custom numbering/ Number "Until 9 level" and Ident until "No identing".

Now, the issue concerns corrupted styles in destination files,

Thanks again,



I ran out of time this evening so I've only had a quick play but I don't seem to be able to reproduce the problem. I'll have another look in the morning.

In the meantime can you describe how the styles are corrupted. Is it just the numbering issue you mention in your first post?


Hello Alex,

I attached sample files with my issue concerning indenting : Normal Style is corrupted in the destination word file

Numerotation seems to work correctly now.

Thanks for your help,





This is interesting. I was able to reproduce the justification problem with both your map and one of my own. I hadn't noticed this issue before, mainly because I don't use justification very often.

I tried changing the settings in Cut Copy and Paste under Options/Advanced in Word but this had no effect. It's a little unclear whether the problem is in Word or MindManager, but I suspect the latter.

It becomes more apparent if you create a special "Normal Justified" paragraph style in Word and apply that to be used with topic notes etc in the MM export. After export the text is left-aligned and the style is renamed "Normal Justified + Left". It seems that for some reason MM is overriding the justified formatting.

This shouldn't happen and if it's OK with you I'll post a a question on this forum indicating that i was able to reproduce the issue and that I think it is a bug. Having said that, however, the workaround is fairly simple - after highlighting a paragraph of the imported text, go to Editing under Home on the ribbon, click on Select and then choose Text with Similar Formatting. All the imported normal text should be highlighted. Then just click on the Justified icon under Paragraph and this text should now be justified.


Thanks Alex,

I agree with the workaround, however, while writing my thesis, i'm just testing MM21 news functionalities...

And I need to export to Word many times...

Do you have any contact with the supprot team ?

I haven't found their e-mail.




Hi Philippe,

This is the technical support page: https://www.mindmanager.com/en/support/contact/

I’ve also written a separate post about the issue on the forum: https://community.mindmanager.com/topic/429-paragraph-justification-issues-when-topic-notes-are-exported-from-mindmanager-to-word


which MindManager version are you using? MM21.1?

I also have some issues with the word export.

Someone from the @mindmanager @support team should have a look into this


Hello Andreas,

I use MM 21.1.231 (64bits) 04/03/2021, the last one I think.


