Paragraph justification issues when topic notes are exported from MindManager to Word

Alex G. shared this question 3 years ago

I was following up the issues raised by Philippe about paragraph formatting in topic notes when exporting to Word: I was able to reproduce the problem he reported, which is that the imported text in Word will be left aligned even if the Word styles nominated in the export from MindManager are justified (ie, aligned both left and right). It appears that these styles are overridden.

I tried changing the settings in Cut Copy and Paste under Options/Advanced in Word but this had no effect. It's a little unclear whether the problem is in Word or MindManager, but I suspect the latter.

It becomes more apparent if you create a special "Normal Justified" paragraph style in Word and apply that to be used with topic notes etc in the MM export. After export the text is left-aligned and the style is renamed "Normal Justified + Left".

Even though the fix in Word is relatively simple - highlight the affected text and apply paragraph justification - this appears to be a bug.

Replies (1)


Hello Alex,

Thank you for the feedback. I have passed this along to our Quality Assurance Team.

Best regards,

