Would like to know why the Windows version doesn't have a dark mode like the Mac version since 2019

Drake shared this question 49 days ago
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I love MindManager and the features it allows for brainstorming and planning clarity.

Would like to know why the Windows version does not have a very essential dark mode, which helps for planning ease and eye health. A request has been made since 3 years ago, while the Mac version has one already since 2019 I believe.

The Windows version has a 'Dark Gray' theme, but that is not really dark mode as the gray color used is quite light, the scroll bars in the theme are white, and so is the background color of extensions like Gantt Pro.

Please seriously consider making a dark mode for the Windows version to make it even more effective as a planning and brainstorming app! The dark mode in the Mac version looks great!

Looking forward to it in v.25 :)

Replies (2)


I hate dark mode screens. That is a matter of taste. So if it is implemented, make sure it can be switched to normal.


Ofcourse @Ary V. I sam sure the Mac version has both modes as well, so customers are free to choose according to their preference :)

Have you used the Mac version and seen the option?


should not's the topic be made as a vote? i.e. as an idea so users can vote? thx


Thanks for the suggestion, @krsto.e, there are multiple topics made on this for voting, which have received a lot of votes and these topics are from 3 years ago or so and haven't been addressed to.

E.g : https://community.mindmanager.com/topic/893-dark-modes-for-mindmanager-browser

I couldn't respond to those topics other than voting for them so felt you couldn't comment on request topics and was curious why Mac version has a dark mode already since 2019 and the Windows version doesn't.

How did you get the dark mode in your UI as seen in your screenshots, or are they from the Mac version?

If they are from the Mac version, is Gantt Pro in dark mode as well? Like the grid background is in dark gray?


Any update of dark mode being implemented in the near future?

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