How to format links in Word doc for import to Mindmanager?

Chris C. shared this question 2 years ago

how do I format a word doc so that links (whether to external/internet or internal to the doc) are assigned to the correct topic, sub-topic, note, etc?

In the attached docx the assigned headings all import to MM correctly. The 2 links, however, always appear in the central topic and not within the topic/subtopic they're aligned with in the doc.

Is there a way to make them align, either with a heading-type or style assignment?

Thanks in advance.

Update: if I use Word style Normal or List Paragraph, the link will align with the topic it's beneath in the Word doc, but it's a Note in the imported map, and not a clickable link. I can get by with this, but would prefer it be an actual, clickable link, with or without a browser icon preceding it.

Replies (6)


The problem with MindManager not recognising "standalone" hyperlinks as such and instead treating them as normal text on import has been around for a while. To some extent Word contributes to this, because even if you apply a hyperlink style to a URL and save the file it somehow ends up defaulting to Normal style when the document is re-opened (though the hyperlink still works). As MindManager's only guide as to where things should go in terms of the map hierarchy when a document is imported is the document's paragraph styles, the hyperlink ends up in the topic notes.

The styles that MindManager applied to Word documents on export used to be an undocumented way of dealing with this problem and, indeed, provided a lot more control generally to the way a map was structured when a document was imported. Up until MM21 all exported documents had these styles applied to them; these all had the prefix "MM" and used to be a source of annoyance because they looked identical to the equivalent Word styles but were in effect a separate hierarchy.

However they were very useful when importing a Word document because MindManager would recognise them and put the MM-formatted paragraphs exactly where they were meant to go. As well as "round tripping" exported Word documents back to MindManager, you could apply the styles to any other Word document. They could be used for example to import a list of tasks with start and due dates which MindManager would then turn into task attributes.

By far the most useful of these MindManager styles was MM Hyperlink, which is the one you have used in this document, because when applied to the relevant paragraph in Word it would appear as a hyperlink correctly attached to the preceding topic in the imported map. Unfortunately, with the major changes to Word export and import introduced in MM 21, this was intentionally or otherwise broken. While you can still apply the MM styles to an export document by not selecting a Word template, these styles no longer work in the same way. They are still recognised correctly, but now get attached to the central topic in the map.

Hopefully this is a bug and will be corrected at some point, but as this is an undocumented feature I'm not holding my breath. I think a better solution would be to introduce a proper Word document import process, like the Excel Data Mapper. This works very well and you can use it to to properly map the location of a column containing hyperlinks under their parent topics.

A similar facility to guide the import of Word documents would be great. In the meantime I've tried quite a few things but sadly can't seem to find a workaround, so I'm looking for suggestions as well.



Thank you for the info. I'll move forward with them as topic notes, while keeping my fingers crossed it's a to-be-fixed bug or there's an in-flight enhancement for Word import mapping.

Thank you,



Thanks Chris - I know it's a bummer.

I've written this up as a bug here:

Also I proposed the equivalent of the Excel Data Mapper to give users control over the import of Word documents a few months ago - perhaps you could vote for it :)


Hi Chris,

Good news - it seems the function is still there. All you now have to do is to indent the MM Hyperlink paragraph a certain distance. You can see the comment from Alexey and my response here:


It worked! thank you!


To format links in a Word document for import to MindManager, you should first ensure that the links in the Word document are active and clickable. You can then save the Word document as a Web page(*.html) and import the resulting HTML file into MindManager. This will preserve the links and make them clickable within MindManager. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the text with links into MindManager and then use the "Paste and Match Style" option to retain the link formatting. You can get surety to test this link if you are unsatisfied.


The instructions in the comment from "Bennett S." don't make any sense and in fact I think this may be spam.

MindManager does not have a direct HTML file import facility, nor a "Paste and Match Style" option. In fact, pasting text from a Word file directly into a map just results in each paragraph becoming a main topic in the map, including links. As topics these links may be coloured blue (or whatever the default link colour is in your Word template) but they are not live.

Finally I'm very suspicious of the link in the last paragraph which I haven't clicked on but which doesn't seem to have anything to do with the topic. I think this is actually a piece of spam that was originally posted on a community forum for another application and then clumsily edited to refer to MindManager and posted here.


1. Create a new paragraph in your Word document. 2. Type out the text for your link. 3. Select the text and click the Insert tab on the Ribbon. 4. Click on the Hyperlink button. 5. Enter the URL for the link OF Bailiff in the Address field. 6. Click OK. 7. Repeat these steps for each link you want to add. 8. When your Word document is ready for import into Mindmanager, select all the text containing the links and press Ctrl + K (or right-click and select Hyperlinks). 9. This will display a window with the options to either select or remove the links. 10. Select the Remove Links option and click OK. 11. This will remove the links from your Word document, but leave the text intact. 12. Save your document and import it into Mindmanager.


Hi Sheri,

Your suggested instructions are a little confusing and don't produce the desired result. Chris C wanted to retain the hyperlinks as well as their names as topics. Also the "Bailiff" link in point 5 seems irrelevant and in fact may be a scam.


To format links in a Word document for import to MindManager, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Word document containing the links that you want to import into MindManager.
  2. Identify the links you want to format. This could include web URLs, email addresses, or links to other documents or files.
  3. Select the text or object that represents the link. For web URLs, this is typically the hyperlink text. For email addresses or file links, it may be an email address or the name of the file.
  4. Right-click on the selected text or object and choose "Hyperlink" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can use the "Insert" tab in the Word ribbon and click on the "Hyperlink" button.
  5. In the "Insert Hyperlink" dialog box, make sure the correct URL, email address, or file path is entered in the "Address" or "Email address" field.
  6. Customize the link appearance if desired. Depending on the version of Word you're using, you may have options to change the text color, underline, or font style of the hyperlink. Ensure the link is visually distinguishable from the surrounding text.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for all the links you want to format.
  8. Once you've formatted all the links, save the Word document.

Now, you can import the Word document into MindManager while preserving the link formatting:

  1. Open MindManager and create a new map or open an existing one.
  2. Go to the "File" tab in the MindManager ribbon and choose "Import" or "Insert" depending on your version of MindManager.
  3. In the import options, locate and select the Word document you formatted with the links.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the import process, adjusting any other settings as needed.
  5. After the import is complete, your links should appear in MindManager with the formatting you applied in the Word document.

By formatting the links in Word before importing them into MindManager, you can ensure the links are visually consistent and retain their functionality within the mind map.


To format links in a Word document for import to MindManager, you can follow these steps: Read More

  1. Open the Word document containing the links that you want to import into MindManager.
  2. Identify the links you want to format. This could include web URLs, email addresses, or links to other documents or files.
  3. Select the text or object that represents the link. For web URLs, this is typically the hyperlink text. For email addresses or file links, it may be an email address or the name of the file.
  4. Right-click on the selected text or object and choose "Hyperlink" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can use the "Insert" tab in the Word ribbon and click on the "Hyperlink" button.
  5. In the "Insert Hyperlink" dialog box, make sure the correct URL, email address, or file path is entered in the "Address" or "Email address" field.
  6. Customize the link appearance if desired. Depending on the version of Word you're using, you may have options to change the text color, underline, or font style of the hyperlink. Ensure the link is visually distinguishable from the surrounding text.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for all the links you want to format.
  8. Once you've formatted all the links, save the Word document.

Now, you can import the Word document into MindManager while preserving the link formatting:

  1. Open MindManager and create a new map or open an existing one.
  2. Go to the "File" tab in the MindManager ribbon and choose "Import" or "Insert" depending on your version of MindManager.
  3. In the import options, locate and select the Word document you formatted with the links.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the import process, adjusting any other settings as needed.
  5. After the import is complete, your links should appear in MindManager with the formatting you applied in the Word document.

By formatting the links in Word before importing them into MindManager, you can ensure the links are visually consistent and retain their functionality within the mind map.



Could the forum moderators please close comments on this thread?


Hi Chris,

I'm pleased to report that this issue has been resolved in MindManager for Windows version 23. As the release notes comment:

Pasting links into MindManager is now automated. When a link is copied to the clipboard and then pasted into a topic in MindManager, it will automatically be interpreted as a topic link. This makes it easier to link to external resources or other topics within MindManager maps. If a paragraph of text contains one or more links, MindManager will also automatically recognize them and add it as a topic link or links. This can be a useful way to quickly add multiple links to your map without having to manually add each one.

This means that, for example, the sample document you posted in your original query is now imported properly, with the hyperlinks appearing correctly as hyperlinks under the correct topics. In other words, you no longer have to resort to the workaround I described in one of my earlier comments of using MindManager Word paragraph styles which are recognised by MM on import. However, this method is still useful if you want to import other task and topic information and not just headings, paragraphs and hyperlinks.


excellent! thank you!



I should clarify that while the release notes talk about hyperlinks being recognised correctly when pasting material into a MindManager map, the same behaviour appears to apply when importing Word documents - even though this isn't mentioned.

Importing rather than copying and pasting is still by far the best way to go when you are dealing with a Word document, because this is the only way to get the Word heading structure to be recognised in the topic hierarchy in the map.


There seem to be an increasing number of these sham answers appearing in the forum with step-by-step "instructions" which are wholly or partly wrong. They also all contain at least one dodgy link which you should avoid at all costs - in this case, don't click on the link in the third line in Michael M.'s "comment".


Hi Chris,

Regrettably I spoke too soon.

The "automated" links process unfortunately has not fixed the problem when importing Word documents that freestanding link URLs end up in topic notes rather than as hyperlinks attached to the relevant topic. The only way to ensure the latter occurs is still to apply the MM Word "MM Hyperlink" style to the links in the Word document prior to import.

However, there is one small improvement: you no longer have to indent these MM Hyperlink-formatted paragraphs as discussed earlier in this thread, so essentially the situation in MindManager 23 has reverted to what it was prior to MM20.

Apologies for any confusion - I should have done more testing. I tried importing quickly with your original example document and it worked correctly. I assumed that the links had the standard Word link style, when in fact you had applied the MM Hyperlink style.


To format links in a Word document for import to MindManager, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Word document containing the links that you want to import into MindManager.
  2. Identify the links in the document and make sure they are in a format recognized by MindManager (e.g., web URLs).
  3. Select the text or image that represents the link in the Word document.
  4. Right-click on the selected text or image and choose the Access "Hyperlink" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + K.
  5. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, enter the appropriate URL or web address in the "Address" or "URL" field.
  6. Click "OK" to save the hyperlink.
  7. Repeat these steps for each link you want to format





To format links in a Word document for import to MindManager, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your Word document and locate the text or objects that you want to link.
  2. Select the text or object and right-click to open the context menu.
  3. Choose the "Hyperlink" or "Link" option from the menu. This will open the hyperlink dialog box.
  4. In the hyperlink dialog box, enter the URL or file path of the link destination. Make sure the link is valid and accessible.
  5. Optionally, you can customize the display text for the link by entering it in the "Text to display" field. This allows you to have descriptive text instead of the full URL.
  6. Click the "OK" or "Apply" button to create the hyperlink. The text or object will now be formatted as a link.

When you import the Word document into MindManager, the hyperlinks should be preserved and clickable within the MindManager document. You can participate 7 tarik dear lottery the links by clicking on them in MindManager to ensure they are functioning correctly.


Yet another scam - do not click on the link.

I’m not sure why this conversation has attracted so many of these responses with fake instructions and dodgy links, but perhaps someone could close it for further comment.


To format links in a Word document for import into MindManager, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Word document that contains the links you want to format.
  2. Identify the links in the document. These are usually represented by underlined text or text with a different color.
  3. For each link, right-click on the linked text and select "Edit Hyperlink" or a similar option, depending on your version of Word.
  4. In the hyperlink settings dialog box that appears, make sure the link is using a valid URL or web address. If necessary, edit the URL to ensure it is accurate to check live streaming
  5. If you want to format the appearance of the link text, you can modify the formatting options available in the hyperlink settings dialog box. This includes changing the font, color, size, or style of the linked text.
  6. Repeat these steps for each link in the document that you want to format.
  7. Once you have formatted all the links, save the Word document.
  8. Open MindManager and create a new or existing map where you want to import the links.
  9. Go to the "File" menu in MindManager and choose the option to import a file or content.
  10. Locate and select the Word document that contains the formatted links.
  11. Follow the prompts to import the Word document into MindManager.
  12. After the import process is complete, the links should appear in the MindManager map, retaining the formatting you applied in Word.


To format links in a Word document for import into MindManager, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Word document containing the links that you want to import into MindManager.
  2. Review the links and ensure they are in the correct format. Links in MindManager should typically be in the form of a URL or a file path or check to Rent Lamborghini Dubai
  3. If necessary, modify the links to ensure they are valid URLs or file paths. For example, ensure that URLs include the "http://" or "https://" prefix, and file paths include the correct directory structure and file extension.
  4. Select the text that represents the link in the Word document.
  5. Right-click on the selected text and choose the "Hyperlink" option from the context menu. Alternatively, you can use the "Insert" or "Links" menu in Word to add or modify hyperlinks.




My suggestion is to open this community only for registered users.


To format links in a Word document for import to MindManager, you can follow these steps to download for PC

  1. Insert the link: In your Word document, select the text or image that you want to turn into a link. Then, right-click and choose the "Hyperlink" option. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl+K. A dialog box will appear.
  2. Edit the link: In the dialog box, enter or paste the desired URL or file path in the appropriate field. Make sure the link is accurate and functional.
  3. Customize the link display text (optional): By default, Word uses the selected text as the display text for the link. However, you can customize the display text by editing the "Text to display" field in the dialog box. This can be useful if you want to make the link more descriptive or concise.


To ensure that links in a Word document are correctly imported and assigned to the desired topics, subtopics, or notes in MindManager, you can follow these steps:

  1. Assign appropriate headings or styles to the topics, subtopics, or notes in your Word document. You mentioned that using the "Normal" or "List Paragraph" style aligns the link with the correct topic, but it appears as a note instead of a clickable link. In that case, you can use the "Normal" style for topics and subtopics and a different style for notes, if desired.
  2. Format the links using the hyperlink feature in Word. To create a hyperlink, select the text you want to turn into a link and right-click on it. Choose "Hyperlink" from the context menu. In the "Insert Hyperlink" window, enter the URL for external links or choose the document location for internal links. Click "OK" to apply the hyperlink.
  3. If you want the link to appear as a clickable link with or without a browser icon in MindManager, you can add a hyperlink icon manually. To do this, right-click on the link text, choose "Font" from the context menu, and then click on the "Symbol" button. Select an appropriate symbol (e.g., a globe for external links) and click "OK" to insert it before the link text.
  4. Save your Word document in the .docx format to preserve the formatting and hyperlink information.
  5. Import the Word document into MindManager. The exact steps may vary depending on the version of MindManager you are using, but generally, you can go to the "File" menu, choose "Import," and select the Word document. Follow the prompts to complete the import process.

When the Word document is imported into MindManager, the topics, subtopics, and notes should be correctly assigned based on the headings or styles used. The links should also appear as clickable links, with or without the added hyperlink icons.

By following these steps, you should be able to format the links in your Word document so that they align with the appropriate topics, subtopics, or notes when imported into MindManager.


And another ChatGPT SCAM

This must come from some member Who works with ChatGPT on a hacked device.


Formatting links in a Word document for import to MindManager is a crucial step in creating an organized and effective mind map. To begin, it is important to ensure that all of the links in the Word document are properly formatted before importing it into MindManager. This includes checking that the links are clickable and lead to the correct web page or file.

To format the links, highlight the text in the Word document that you want to turn into a hyperlink. Then, right-click on the selected text and choose "Hyperlink" from the drop-down menu. In the "Insert Hyperlink" dialog box, enter the appropriate URL or file path in the "Address" field. Additionally, you can choose to add a descriptive title for the hyperlink in the "Text to display" field. This will make it easier to identify the link in MindManager.

After formatting all of the links in the Word document, it is time to import it into MindManager. To do this, open MindManager and select "File" from the menu bar. Choose "Import" and select the Word document that contains the formatted links. In the import settings, make sure that "Import hyperlinks" is selected. This will ensure that the links in the Word document are imported as clickable hyperlinks in MindManager.

Once the Word document has been imported into MindManager, you can begin organizing the information into a mind map. By formatting the links in the Word document beforehand, you save time and ensure that the links are properly imported and functional in MindManager. Overall, formatting links is an essential step in creating an effective mind map that can help you visualize and organize your ideas and information.


Above response is so STUPID it MUST BE SCAM.

Do not click the link.

These generated Scam posts have started since some member tried to write macro's with ChatGPT.

His/her machine must be hacked. Solve that urgent.


To format links in a Word document for import to MindManager, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Word document and locate the links you want to format.
  2. Ensure the links are in the correct format.
  3. Make sure the links are clickable and working properly in the Word document.
  4. Save the Word document.
  5. Open MindManager and create a new mind map or open an existing one.
  6. Go to the location in the mind map where you want to add the links.
  7. Copy and paste the formatted links from the Word document into the mind map.
  8. MindManager will automatically recognize the links and make them clickable.
  9. Save your MindManager file, and you're done! Your links are now formatted and ready to use.







I'm beyond disappointed that these scams are occurring, despite the claims that the problem had been fixed.

I repeat my request that this thread be closed to further comment. I know this is hardly a fix for the wider problem, but at least this conversation would no longer be an easy target for some sort of weird continuous and apparently AI-generated scam.
