Pinned FAQ for obtaining support

Nick D. shared this idea 9 months ago
Voting Open

It would be helpful to have a permanently pinned FAQ at the top of this board that explains when and how to contact MindManager support. The MindManager user community is unlikely to be able to help with login issues or licence key issues. A link to contact support would save some time.

Replies (2)


Hi Nick,

Agreed. In fact it probably doesn't even need to be as elaborate as an FAQ. Just an additional menu item reading "Login or Licence Issues" linked to a simple form or even a pre-addressed email form would probably do.


Thanks Alex. I think it would be useful to explain that the forum is largely by MindManager users for MindManager users.


I would also like to express a few thoughts.
I enjoy working on the forum as much as I can. I made a suggestion a few months ago to make it a little easier from my point of view.

2. when it comes to bugs in Mindmanager, not e.g. licensing problems, I often miss the response from support.
Has the bug been registered by support? Is it being worked on? Or should I create a ticket?


I use tags in MM, why not here?
That way, others will know that the bug has been reported, and there is no need to open another article or ticket.
Support Ticket
Open problem
Problem solved

3) Sometimes I would like to be able to write additions to older articles (use cases). Thoughts are also added later.

Mindmapping and MindManager mean clarity and overview to me. Can't we do the same here ;-?
