Recurring Tasks

Jeff M. shared this idea 21 months ago
Voting Open

In my quest to do as much of my "productivity management" as possible in one platform, I keep running across one gap in MandManager. I use recurring tasks frequently to make sure I complete certain weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual tasks. Unfortunately MM doesn't offer this function explicitly. One must create a separate object for each instance of the recurring task. So I am looking to see if there is support from this community to have MM def staff incorporate the recurring task feature in a future release.

Thanks for your consideration

Replies (1)


This is a good idea and something similar was proposed a while ago. I suggested a workaround using a SmartRule in the subsequent discussion:


Thanks Alex. I checked out your prior post on this. That is a thoughtful work-around and I'll noodle through the use of tags and SmartRules in this context. Thank you for pointing this out!
