Connect to All Sides of a Central Topic

Amy N. shared this question 23 months ago

Is it possible to connect to all four sides of a central topic (or a main topic or subtopic, for that matter)? There are times when I would like my main topics to appear above the central topic, and other times when I would like them to be at the left side, and still other times when I would like them to be on all four sides. Am I missing something very basic?

Replies (3)


@Amy N. There a re two types of maps available in MindManager.

  1. Mindmaps in various tree formats, like radial, right, left, Orgcharts, timelines etc. They all start from a central topic and go into One direction. They have a BLUE collar
  2. Free Format maps like flowcharts, concept maps etc. They have no tree format that guides you. They have a GREEN collar. You will find them if you select new from Templates.


Ary, thank you for this distinction. Where would I see the "collar" you mention? I'm looking at the Templates screen and don't see anything like a green or blue "collar".


Just select a radial template. Open it and you see a blue line around the central topic. I call that a collar.

Next select the flowchart template. Open it and you see the green one


Thank you!


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Yes, I've gone through the tutorials, but just had some questions I didn't see answered there. Thank you again for your help!
