show all topics for multiple tags from a tag-group in tag-view

Alexander W. shared this idea 2 years ago
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Why is it not possible to view all topics in columns even if one topic has several tags from a tag group?

This would be really helpful - as it makes a lot of sense that one topic can be relevant within several contexts... modelled by according tagging.

What is the reason to prohibit this?

Why is it not enabled for example by an option for users who want to have as many tags on a topics from a tag-group as "needed"?!?!?


Replies (2)


I suggested something similar about a year ago:

As I noted then, there is an issue with allowing this with tasks, as the same task could appear in multiple columns. This could cause problems if you use the tag/icon view facility which allows users to move such a task into a different column.

I proposed that views allowing topics with multiple tags to appear in multiple columns be limited to maps that aren't project-related and with topics which aren’t tasks. I suggested one option would be to limit the ability to move topics between columns to only those tag groups that are mutually exclusive. If the tag/icon group isn't mutually exclusive the ability to move topics this way is removed.


why is moving the topic to an other column a problem?!?!?!

it is a simple retagging to an other tag - which should work like a charm:

- if it is a unique tag group than the new tag is applied

- if it is a non-unique tag group the topic simply gets an additional tag

- if you want to remove the tag - simple move the topic to the column with non-tagged topics

where is the problem?

Would dramatically enhance the value of the tag view!



The only view that supports multiple instances of the same topic is the Map Index. A topic cannot appear more than once in the other views. The same issue occurs in the Schedule views; preferably, a task should appear on every day between its start and due dates, but in practice we have to choose between either the start date or the due date.
