Allow Tag and Icon views to work properly with non-mutually exclusive groups

Alex G. shared this idea 3 years ago
Voting Open

I can understand why mutually exclusive groups are the only ones that work properly in Tag and Icon Views when you are dealing with tasks (the views exclude all topics that have multiple tags and icons in the same group), as it means that the same task could appear in multiple columns and all sorts of problems could occur if you try to move such a task into a different column.

However, it would be very useful if these views could be used with maps that aren't project-related and topics that aren't tasks to deal with situations where a topic can fall into several categories, for example, the skills register I'm working on for a cultural organisation where members have multiple skills.

One option would be to restrict editing and particular the ability to move topics between columns in Icon or Tag views to only those tag groups that are mutually exclusive. If the tag/icon group isn't mutually exclusive then the tag/icon view becomes static, apart from the ability to remove blank columns from display.
