File size/Print size

DR W. shared this question 3 years ago

I am aware that it is possible to specify paper size when printing a map. However, This will simply squash everything in the map into that paper format. I would like to be able to create a map with the proportions of the paper size that I am going to choose. To do that, there needs to be some way of limiting the dimensions of the map on-screen, for example, by having print guides in inches or centimetres, as In Photoshop and Illustrator.

Does Mind Manager have this function? I cannot find it. Could the Mind manager team please add this function in an update? it would be very useful.

Replies (2)


As a workaround you could include either an image in the map background or a rectangular background shape which is the same proportions as your printing area. This would act as a guide for map layout.


Thanks very much. That is helpful. I will use this workaround for now and look forward to a measured grid system in an update to the program.



To request this feature, please submit an idea here on the MindManager Community. Users who find value in this enhancement can vote on it and if we receive enough votes, we will consider the enhancement for future versions.

Best regards,



Dear Marian, well, I have already submitted the idea, in this discussion, and you, as a member of the Admin, have noted it. So, perhaps, as a member of the admin, you could now, as part of your job, submit the idea formally, according to your desired protocol. That would save me the work, seen universally as undesirable, of doing the same thing twice.


Dear Dr Wren Akasawa,

Your idea may be useful to you but not for everyone who is using MindManager.

And I must state that the -quite arrogant - manner of your response is not acceptable. We are not used to respond to others in this community as if these others are our employees, nor that their time is less valuable than yours.


Any arrogance that you perceived in my response is entirely in your own mind and not in my mind. I was merely trying to be helpful while not wasting my time by doing the same thing twice.

I appreciate that my idea might not be useful to everyone who uses Mind Manager, but that is beside the point on two counts: (1) I fully accepted the notion of the previous poster that suggestions made by users are put to a vote, and (2) there will be all sorts of features in a program that are useful to some people and not to others; the idea is to include features that a significant number of users will use, as is demonstrated by the notion of the previous poster to put suggestions to a vote. Please note that the foregoing comprises dispassionate reasoning and in no way is the product of an arrogant mind.


I accept your apology.


Okay. Let's move forward in a happy, positive frame of mind. :-) Have a good day.



have you tried to to create Slides of branches? This is for me the easiest an fasted way to make prints. To do this follow these steps:

Create a new slide


A new .mdeck file (Slide deck) is automatically opened


You can set-up here the Aspect Ratio


The blue margin is the page boundary and can be adjusted


After adjusting the page boundary I recommend to Pin the page boundary


Other topics branches can be also be send to the Slide deck


Slide decks can be printed

