Pack and Export to PDF please

DavidJA shared this idea 2 years ago
Voting Open

I am working with a substantial map, having various PDF, JPEG and PNG attachments, as well as topic notes, icons and the like.

Whereas it is possible to save (say) Outlook emails as PDFs, with their attachments linked and clickable within the email PDF, the equivalent facility is not currently available within MM.

Our people consider PDF format as archivable, but unfortunately not MM files. Similarly, I have encountered resistance among legal-department colleagues to accepting HTML5 versions of maps, because they do not consider them as secure (or archivable) as suitably encrypted/locked PDFs would be.

From the user perspective, the case for a fully comprehensive PDF-ing facility is, I hope, clear. From the Corel/MM perspective, I'd guess that such an archiving/distribution feature would overcome resistance to MM as an originating tool for a fair number of uses currently denied it.

In short: please would the MM development team consider adding this extremely important feature!

Thank you.

Replies (2)


Thanks Sam.


yes please!
