Copy and paste from OneNote: Text is added as graphic to notes?

Christian B. shared this question 3 years ago
Discussion Open

When I copy some text from a OneNote notebook and paste it into the note attached to a branch, the text is pasted as a graphic (i.e. I can not select text or click links)

Surely there must be a way to insert text as (unformatted) text, without going through windows notepad as an intermittent step?

Mindmanager 22.0.273 on WIndows 10

Replies (3)


Also bei mir funktioniert das ganz normal. MM22 erkennt sogar Hierarchien und Absätze.


Rechtsklick auf den Zweig

[Einfügen] [Unformatierten Text einfügen]

Sollte auch funktionieren




Bei mir ging es um eine Notiz (Strg-T) an einem Zweig. Führt Ihr Weg nicht zu einer neuen Verzweigung bzw. füllt das Clipboard in den Zweig?

(Bin unterwegs, erst heute sehr spät wieder am Rechner zum Ausprobieren)


Das ist korrekt! 😩 Sehr komisch.

Absätze und Texte von OneNote werden in den MindManager Notizen als Bild eingefügt. Das darf nicht sein!


OneNote Text als Unterzweig einfügen und dann mit Drag'n Drop als Notiz an den Zweig verschieben.





Have a look at the Pons for MindManager and OneNote add-in for MindManager: I trialled it and it seemed to work well but since I'm not a OneNote user I didn't continue with it.

The features list on the Pons website explicitly states the add-in can load either a selection of or a whole current OneNote page to the note of the selected topic.


Thank you Alex, that looks very cool. I'll test it. Prize is ok too


I would rather Mindmanager fixed this, instead of using a workaround or buing another add-in.

So now others can replicate it (thanks Andreas): Does Mindmanager Support monitor this forum or do I need to submit this as a bug (if so, where)?

It is getting rather annoying, as right now I am transferring over a lot of information, links, notes from my personal OneNote notebook on a topic to a mindmap and going through the Windows editor just to get proper plaintext for basic clipboard copy&paste is annoying.


There was the idea to add an OneNote-Add-In in MindManager, but it was canceled by product management, because of it's not needed 😤 I believe the prototype is still somewhere 😉

@Christian - please write your wish for a OneNote interface to the ideas. I'll support an vote for it


I don't need an add-in, just plain Windows clipboard functionality would be enough for me? Or "paste without formatting" Strg-Shift-V?

I'll look into the ideas section and also submit a support ticket.


MindManager uses a RFT-Editor.

Copy text from anywhere else into the notes is my most used function and I never had this specific OneNote issue. If the pasting text from OneNote creates an image, it's because of OneNote format.
