Can't launch - Blank white screen

Chris C. shared this question 3 years ago

I'm trying to launch the 30day evaluation, but all I get when I launch the screen is a blank white page. It looks like a splash screen, or maybe it's a login screen? Closing it exits the entire program.

I'm assuming it's trying to "phone home" to validate a license? Assuming this may have something to do with the firewall at work (I'm VPN'd working remote), is there a way around this?

thank you

Replies (1)


Hello Chris,

MindManager does require an internet connection and access to our servers in order to use the trial or licensed version. Have you tried to log out of your VPN to see if that makes a difference? If your company uses a Proxy, there are settings within MindManager Options as well. Search word 'Proxy' on this page to find the Knowledge Base Article - Support (

For further assistance, please open a case with MindManager Support here -

MindManager Support

Best regards,



Our network team has whitelisted the URLs I found on your support site:

If you are using a Firewall/security application, please make sure the following URL's on port 443 are whitelisted in its settings:

But the blank white page is still all I get when launching MM22 desktop (screenshot attached). We're able to browse to 2 of those 4 URLs, both over VPN and from machines on our physical corporate network, but the 2 below fail.

Disabling my VPN doesn't help. It's the same issue then, too.


I've attempted running it in Windows 8 and Vista compatibility modes, as well as "as administrator," on my Windows 10 PC, but the results are the same.


Thanks for the detailed follow-up, Chris.

MindManager uses the Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime. Can you confirm you have this component installed?

Are you able to log in to the Web Client? - Visualize with MindManager




OK. that explains it, I think. MS Edge has NEVER been functional on my laptop. Troubleshooting, with repeated uninstalls & reinstalls, has repeatedly failed to fix it. Edge exits the second it's launched.

I can only run Chrome & Firefox on this laptop.


Thanks for the updates. RE the Whitelisted URL's, you did everything correctly. The bottom two in your earlier reply do not have a GUI.

While MM22 defaults to using the Edge WebView2 Control, it's also possible to force the legacy Internet Explorer Control. To do so -

1. Open the registry editor.

2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mindjet\MindManager\22\Settings\

3. Create DWORD: WebViewIEOnly and add a value of 1

4. Restart MM.

I hope that works!




that worked! Thank you!
