problem with HTML5 export

David P. shared this question 3 years ago

I'm having problems with HTML5 export. I've used it for years in older versions. Upgraded to 22 and recipients are telling me they're only seeing some font names when they open the HTML file, as follows.

"Source Sans Pro 400

Source Sans Pro 700

Comfortaa 300

Comfortaa 700"

Both sides are using the same newest version of Chrome and it also fails in Edge.

Any ideas?

Replies (2)


Hello David,

This is the first report we've seen of this issue. Please open a case with our Technical Support team here -

MindManager Support

When opening your case, it would be best to provide a copy of the Map and advise whether you are seeing this issue with all exported maps or specific files.




Thank you for replying. On further evaluation, it was only happening on Apple computers. When all offenders did all software updates the problem resolved. Apparently the HTML viewer software or whatever it's called on Apple required updating. Cheers.
