Callout Topic Cannot drag

phoonts shared this question 3 years ago

Tried to use mouse click and drag but does not move to another location.

Is this a known bug?

Best Answer

Hi Phoonts,

I recreated something similar to your map, and got the same issue. It looks like the callout moves up because there is not enough space for it above the "Card" topic. This has to do with how objects are automatically positioned on the canvas.


If you want the callout to appear above the "card" topic you can force it to do this by making the topic wider. You can either add spaces to the topic to make it wider or you can used a fixed topic size.


Replies (5)


Just tested with MMvs21 for Windows and it works as expected.

I can drag the callout topic around the topic where it is attached

Ofcourse I cannot drag it to another topic since this is a callout and it belongs to the topic where I placed it

I would not want it to behave different..

I can use ctrl shift drag to copy it to another topic and if needed delete the original.


It snap to its chosen location that overlaps or far away from the topic. I cannot drag to a chosen location. see screenshot



Cannot tell exactly from your partial screenshot, but it seems you simply have not got enough space to place it elsewhere.

You can solve that bij using the white circle on your cards topic


callout are linked to the mother-topic. They can't be moved to any position.

If there is not enough space for the callout, it has to stay at the former position.

In your case I'd suggest a border or a bracket starting at the topic "Card"


Best, Andreas


Hi Phoonts,

I recreated something similar to your map, and got the same issue. It looks like the callout moves up because there is not enough space for it above the "Card" topic. This has to do with how objects are automatically positioned on the canvas.


If you want the callout to appear above the "card" topic you can force it to do this by making the topic wider. You can either add spaces to the topic to make it wider or you can used a fixed topic size.

