License Transfers

Abi O. shared this question 2 years ago
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I am regretting purchasing a license of MindManager as it's turning out to be nightmare actually using the software. I have a mac book for mobility and a desktop for normal use. Having to keep track of where the license was last used or persistently finding and entering license keys is not my idea of productivity. Please advise if there's something I'm doing wrong here or this is working as intended, in which case, the software is just not fit for purpose. Thank you.

Replies (3)


I have difficulty in understanding your problem...

Is your desktop a MAC as well? If not...

Macbooks and Windows desktops have different OS.

The Mac version is different from the Windows version and both have a different key.

If you are using Parallels you can use the windows version on your macbook with the MM for windows key.

Now if you are using MM for Windows vs 21, you make use of a license server portal.

Inthere you can easily set the licenses for your need.

So it all depends on what you have purchased and I assume you tested it with the 30 day free trial, as we all did, before you purchased it.


Hi Abi,

In order to resolve your issue we need a bit more information. Please share more details about what type of license you purchased, where you purchased it from, and which versions of MindManager you are trying to use on each device.



Hi Abi,

not need you add license key sind MM21 and Mac13, if you're logged in with your MindManager User.

Your MindManager account will work on both devices


