Smart Rules - Triggers & Effects : how permanent?

JamesAK shared this question 3 years ago

Afternoon all

When a Smart Rule is applied: a trigger leads to an effect.

Is that effect meant to be permanent unless overridden by:

  • another smart rule trigger and effect, or
  • an allowed manual intervention?

I think the effect from the initial smart rule application should be permanent unless 1 of the two above is true.

Am I correct?

Thank you


Replies (5)


The behaviour I am seeing is that the effect of a Smart Rule only remains, so long as the trigger(s) continue to be satisfied.

That can't be right. The state of an object should remain as it is unless directed to change by instruction.

I have a Smart Rule A that fulfils Trigger A (Topic Belongs to Branch) and makes a change A to topics as they are connected to Branch A.

When I remove the topic from Branch A and leave it as a floating topic, change A is removed - it is as if the topic was never touched by the Smart Rule.

How could this be desired behaviour?


It's as if there is a function running in the background checking if triggers that were previously true are still. If not, then remove the previously applied effects of the smart rule associated with those triggers.


I think this is intended behaviour. The effect of the trigger is meant to be transient, otherwise the information conveyed by the SmartRule effect would both static and incorrect. If for example I create a SmartRule that flags all tasks that are less than 25% complete, I obviously want this flag removed from tasks that progress beyond 25% completion when the map is updated.


Yes, Alex is correct, SmartRules are intended to be dynamic so they are always checking if they are true and only apply effects if they remain true.

If you are looking for something that just applies something once and remains static afterward you might look into making a macro instead.



As outlined below: can you pass on, or do I need to put a more formal case forward in a different Idea issue?



Alex, Sia

Thank you for your responses. Though it's not the answer I wanted, there is valid logic even if it means I'll have to go and manually enforce changes I want to keep.

I think that when a condition is met, the triggered change should remain in effect. If a further change is required then let the user program for that change.

I think there is an opportunity for the development team with a flag or 2 to make Smart Rules a very simple programming environment that doesn't require VB-level skills. Accommodating those who want transient changes and those who want permanent changes.

Sia, can you pass on, or do I need to put a more formal case forward in a different Idea issue?


