Default Map Theme

Anatolie P. shared this question 3 years ago
Discussion Open

A default Map Theme, Default.mmas, is provided with MindManager.

Where this file is located?

A "backup" copy of this theme, Default (original).mmas, is included with MindManager.

Where this file is located?

Best Answer

Hello Anatolie

Theme files are usually located in the library. On my (English) system this is at


where "me" is my login name and "xx" is the MindManager version, e.g. 21.

You can browse and edit theme files in MindManager at

Design tab > Theme Organizer > Map Themes

This will show the installed theme files. If the files you mention are not there, then perhaps this is something that needs to be fixed in the documentation.

Replies (1)


Hello Anatolie

Theme files are usually located in the library. On my (English) system this is at


where "me" is my login name and "xx" is the MindManager version, e.g. 21.

You can browse and edit theme files in MindManager at

Design tab > Theme Organizer > Map Themes

This will show the installed theme files. If the files you mention are not there, then perhaps this is something that needs to be fixed in the documentation.
