Mindmapping on IPad Pro

Arthur H. shared this question 3 years ago

Hi, I have an IPad Pro. Ik can share my file from iCloud and know that it is only viewing. On your website there is a link to the Apple store saying that there is a program to do so.

Unfortunately the links says that it’s not available for my country. I want to do some mindmapping on my iPad. How can you help me to make this possible.

Kind regards,


Replies (3)


Hi Arthur,

You can open files in iCloud using the iOS files app if you have MindManagerGo app installed. Just tap on the file stored in iCloud, then tap the share button, then select MindManagerGo from the list of apps.


Can you share the website link mentioning about Apple Store and also the links which are not working for you?




I know I can open it. I want to be able to MindMap on my IPad. The link I’m talking about is the one linking to the Applestore.

Hopen for a working solution so I can mindmap on and offline like I used to do with XMind. Otherwise I will have to switch back because they do offer this function.

Looking forward for your reply and solution.

Kind regards.



The only one possibility to MindMap on your iPad at the moment is by using MS TEAMS and MindManager for Teams.

At the moment is no MindManager App for the iPad available. Hope we'll get on by the end of the year
