Edit the Keyboard Shortcuts

Jerry M. shared this idea 3 years ago
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It would be helpful if I could edit the Keyboard shortcuts. Some of the existing combinations don't really make sense.

Replies (3)


Hi Jerry,

which of the existing ones doesn't make sense for you?

I'm working a lot with shortcuts and wont miss a single one ;-)


Here is a shortlist

View Commands - That sequence seems stiff for me. Why not have the entire sequence handled through at Ctl + # function for view.

Also, it would help to have the short-cut reference map in the program, not in the help directory. Other programs allow you to open up the shortcut directory, and make changes as you wish.

Overall, I find a lot of the shortcut combinations, awkward and not easy to follow.



Hi Jerry,

ideas for the shortcut-list come up with every new version 😁 but honestly there are to many shortcuts build in already

Here is my shortcut-map in English. Hope this helps you keeping on track.

Kind regards




I would like to update the question: How to change the shortcuts on MacOS. The Zoom-in/out-Shortcuts interferes with my switch of windows of an app. zoom in/out should be +/- with some function-key like cmd (,if you ask me).


This feature would be very useful.

particularly i would like to assign a keyboard shortcut combination for insertion of any image i have in the images folder (or any other of the symbols / icons in the built in MindManager library).

I work a lot with puting small symbolic images into my mind maps to make the symbolic meaning more intuitive for me. and just having access to the built in icons using keyboard shortcuts is not nearly enough


Hi Niklas,

you can not add a shortcut to insert an image, but you can use the combination Ctrl + "0 - 9" to add your favorite icons. I personally use this very often for many years.


to easily add images I add the specific folder with the function "package folder" in the MindManager option. Check it out

Years ago I created a learning-map about the package folder. Maybe I can add the map in this post.

regards, Andreas




Thanks for replying.

I do know about being able to add icons. the problem is i would like to assign the shortcut to any image that i have in the images folder (or a subfolder potentially)

are you saying there is a way to accomplish that goal?

what do you mean by "I add the specific folder with the function "package folder" in the MindManager option"




Hi Andreas,

You can as you indicate assign shortcut keys to icons, but only it seems to the default icons in the primary icon folder. If you go, say, to a letter icon in any of the Alpha groups the Shortcut Key does not appear as an option in the context menu.


Yes this is exactly what im getting at. only the default included icons can be assigned to keys. i even tried sneaking a new .ico file into the icons folder but that does not work either. the list of icons that can be assigned to keys seems to be "hardcoded" even. a general ability to assign keys to any image is what im looking for. thanks


First adding a package folder:

please look at this map. It's in German, but the images will explain it anyway


Second Icons

Yes, the shortcuts can be assigned to the standard icons.

If you add new .ico be aware that MindManager can only use max size of 128x128 and icons are rendered down tp 32x32 px

To add images by a shortcut is not possible and if you look at the shortcut list you'll see there is hardly a shortcut left in the system 😉

Regards, Andreas


ok thanks for answering and taking time to give suggestions!

though none of it solves the problem i have.

so i hope mindmanager will implement the feature soon :)
