v21 crashes when moving an object

Christoph B. shared this question 3 years ago

Hi there,

I have two colleagues and their Mindmanager 21 crashes when moving an object. In the windows event viewer this error is logged:

application error; ID 1000

Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mfc140u.dll

- I updated the visual c++ redistributable to the newest version

- I repaired MM21

- I uninstalled MM21 (completely; http://www1.mindjet.de/downloads/support/Remove-all-MM-reg-data.zip; all files from c:\program files and c:\program files (x86); %LOCALAPPDATA%\Mindjet\Mindmanager)

- I reinstalled the newest version from here: https://download.mindjet.com/MindManager_64bit_21.1.231_redist.exe

Since there are at least two other tickets with the same problem from 3 months ago, I can only assume that there is a deeper problem. If you need any more information, I would glady help.


Best Answer

Got the right solution from a senior supporter.

It was a problem with the "exploit protection"

1. Windows - Search for "Exploit Protection" or "Exploit-Schutz"

2. Go to "Program Settings" (not System Settings)

3. Add a Program with exact Path "C:\Program Files\Mindmanager 21\Mindmanager21.exe"

4. Now I have only the german decription "Speicherbelegung zufällig anordnen (ASLR aufsteigend)" (14th position in the list)

5. activate the checkbox "override system settings" (Systemeinstellungen außer Kraft setzen) and activate the checkbox "Don't use high entropy" (Keine hohe Entropie verwenden).

6. Save everything and restart Mindmanager.

Replies (1)


Got the right solution from a senior supporter.

It was a problem with the "exploit protection"

1. Windows - Search for "Exploit Protection" or "Exploit-Schutz"

2. Go to "Program Settings" (not System Settings)

3. Add a Program with exact Path "C:\Program Files\Mindmanager 21\Mindmanager21.exe"

4. Now I have only the german decription "Speicherbelegung zufällig anordnen (ASLR aufsteigend)" (14th position in the list)

5. activate the checkbox "override system settings" (Systemeinstellungen außer Kraft setzen) and activate the checkbox "Don't use high entropy" (Keine hohe Entropie verwenden).

6. Save everything and restart Mindmanager.
