Critical task-topic for multiple maps

Andrey K. shared this question 3 years ago


I have several projects (maps) with tasks connected via relationships, such as FS. One of the projects contains a critical task. If the critical task (for example purchase of versatile equipment) is not 100% done then all its dependants should not start.

Is this possible to achieve by current MM tools?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Hello Andrey

You should find that all the successor tasks have been scheduled to start on or later than the due date of the critical task. They will (should) not be scheduled to start before the critical task ends.

MindManager uses dependencies only as scheduling constraints. It does not block successor tasks from having their progress value incremented while the predecessors are not complete. You can work on any task at any time, regardless of its constraints or the status of its predecessors. MindManager does not enforce the schedule in any way, but will mark overdue or at-risk tasks if they run late.

Replies (1)


Hello Andrey

You should find that all the successor tasks have been scheduled to start on or later than the due date of the critical task. They will (should) not be scheduled to start before the critical task ends.

MindManager uses dependencies only as scheduling constraints. It does not block successor tasks from having their progress value incremented while the predecessors are not complete. You can work on any task at any time, regardless of its constraints or the status of its predecessors. MindManager does not enforce the schedule in any way, but will mark overdue or at-risk tasks if they run late.


Got it!

Do you know an alternative to MM that is capable of doing this?


No, sorry.
