Red plus icon to the right of the topic

Andrey K. shared this question 3 years ago


What does the red plus icon to the right of the topic mean?

Where do I read more about this?

Thank you.


Replies (1)


Hi Andrey,

The quick add button turns red when the layout of the topic has changed from its siblings in a way where the topic added will not be exactly in the direction the button is pointing.

For example, in map layouts the frame is always all blue because the topic is always created in the direction you click.


If the layout of a topic is changed to Tree, the left, up, and down arrows still behave the same way, but the right button will now create a subtopic below instead of to the right. The button is red and is not shaped like an arrow to indicate that the layout is different for this topic.




Dear Sia,

OK, got it.

Please add a nice explanation to the MM help system.

I checked my map and found that, in my case, the quick add button turned red when the layout of the topic has changed from its siblings in a way where the topic added exactly in the direction the button is pointing (see the screenshot above).


Practical hint

Deactivate the pluses in the options before printing your map.

This pluses calculates additional spaces between the topic layers that causes to shrink the size of the rear.
