Old MindManager Community Forum posts available via Wayback (aka Internet Archive)

Alex G. shared this idea 3 years ago
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A limited number of old MindManager Community Forum posts are available via The Wayback Machine - or to give it its proper title, the Internet Archive.

They can be found here: MindManager Customer Community (archive.org)

The last nine pages or so of the forum and the posts they contain that were archived in by the Wayback crawler in mid to late 2020 can be accessed, along with a handful of much older pages that were archived in 2015/16 and earlier. This makes a total of several hundred posts. You can click the page index number at the bottom of the page to access older pages that were indexed at the same time, or click on the Wayback timeline at the top of the page to move to another date.

In the main the forum pages and individual posts retain the old forum formatting, but a few don't - these are very ugly, but still readable. It's also a bit hit-and-miss with uploaded images; sometimes they appear, and sometimes they don't. Somewhat perversely, it's the unformatted posts which seem to do a bit better in this regard.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to search these pages and posts, but you can you can at least scan through the titles to look at the ones you want. You can also download them and I suggest doing this if you particularly want to refer to a post later. The internet can be a tough environment, and even archived pages can be lost or overwritten.

Replies (1)


A few more things:

  1. I've been playing with this again and more pages have been indexed than I first thought. However, availability is certainly not consistent and there are large gaps. For example, forum index pages 244 to 250 (among the oldest in the old forum, going back around eight or nine years) are available as trawled by the Internet Archive in September 2020, but not pages 240 to 243. Also different combinations of pages, and different views of pages, were trawled at different times.
  2. Any links shown on the forum index pages or the posts themselves (such as Related Categories) may or may not work. However, links on the bottom of the forum index page to subsequent or previous pages do seem to work more consistently (but see the first point above). And, generally speaking, if you can see a post title on an index page the post itself will be available.
  3. Finally, note that the timing shown for each post, eg, 4 days ago, 1 month ago, etc, relates to the date at the time the page was created.
