Customize the notation for relations in templates

Lars R. shared this idea 2 years ago
Voting Open

In the concept map I think it would be a huge benfit to be able to define the occurences of a relation between concepts. This can be done using the Crow-foot notation to specify the occurence of the concepts. (one to one, one to many, mandatory or not etcetera)

Is there any way to customize the relationships end/start style in order to include for instance crow-foots?

Replies (2)


Hi Lars,

There is currently no easy way to do this.

I'm going to change this to an idea for you so others in the community can vote on it if they like the idea.

For clarification Lars is referring to adding new relationship begin and end styles:


That would look something like this:



These kind of relationshipslines are used in Entiy Relationship Diagrams, mainly for datamodelling purposes. If MindManager wants to make diagramming like that possible, take care everyone fully understands why and how to use it. Next step is automated 3NF ( 3d Normal Form )
