No longer able to paste tag groups copied from the Map Index directly into the map

Alex G. shared this question 7 days ago
Discussion Open

In previous versions of MindManager it was possible to copy a tag group from the Map index and paste it directly into the map. This worked much the same way as the Insert Legend into Map facility, only you didn't have to paste the whole map index into the map. You could copy a single tag group and paste in the map either as a new floating topic and subtopics, or as a set of subtopics added to an existing topic.

This was very useful if you only wanted to use only one or two tag groups as a map legend rather than the whole map index. You could also edit the set of copied markers as topics and subtopics in the map, then use the MAP add-in to convert the results back as new groups of text markers pasted into the index.

However, this option does not seem to be available in version 24.1. You can still copy the tag group, but if you attempt to paste the results into the map you will be disappointed as the Paste option is greyed out. This is odd because you can still paste the copied marker group in other programs, for example Word, and you can also copy the group as pasted in Word back into the map and use the MAP add-in.

I'm curious as to why this useful facility has been dropped in v24.1, and whether it would be possible to bring it back.

Replies (2)


Hi Alex, I can confirm your report. I also tried it in MM 23, which I still have installed, but I could not paste the tag group in that version. Could you please post an example of how you expect it to look on your map. I think your expected usage is an excellent idea. Perhaps someone could write a macro to overcome the new limitation.


I found a work-around. I have a program called "Quick Clipboard Editor". The copied Tags appear correctly in the program. I select and copied and then successfully pasted it into the map. It worked. Both MM23 and MM24 appear to have broken Ctrl-V functionality, but the copy function works.

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