Propose a way to compare 2 branches in mindmanager.
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i got 2 branches, 1 original and 1 updated.
however at some times it will be good to know what EXACTLY is changed.
currently, i can copy each branch and paste into a SW called beyond compare.
it could highlight the difference.
yeah, a lot of clicks away.
may be, may be later somehow this could be improved.
but at the moment, this method let me in control of the content.
ps: there are foss alternative to beyond compare, say windiff, winmerge,
you can look up in
happy living!
for ppl like me who use mindmanager + beyond compare,
it seems LLMs could help write up a macro to simply it.
for ppl like me who use mindmanager + beyond compare,
it seems LLMs could help write up a macro to simply it.
oh my god, no need macros
just copy, copy, then BC hotkey is ok.
oh my god, no need macros
just copy, copy, then BC hotkey is ok.