MindManger for windows 24.1.150
I installed MindManager for Windows - Version 24.1.150.
The program has a number of problems.
1. It will cease operating for no reason at all.
2. Short cut key issues are not resolved in the release
3. I had to uninstall the AdOns in order to get the problem to start.
Does anyone know of a fix of the above issues. Technical support does not work on the weekends.
Hi Ethan,
Thanks for the feedback. Please provide additional information on which Keyboard shortcuts are not working and any information on what is causing MindManager 24.1 to crash.
Hi Ethan,
Thanks for the feedback. Please provide additional information on which Keyboard shortcuts are not working and any information on what is causing MindManager 24.1 to crash.
I spoke to Technical support and they were helpful in solve the "exit on save file problem."
The short cut to sent items to the Outlook Task list doens not work. The key combination opens "Topic Style"
I spoke to Technical support and they were helpful in solve the "exit on save file problem."
The short cut to sent items to the Outlook Task list doens not work. The key combination opens "Topic Style"
Hi Ethan,
Could you clarify please, which interface do you use to send items to Outlook - topic context menu or ribbon or anything else, and which interface language do you have.
Hi Ethan,
Could you clarify please, which interface do you use to send items to Outlook - topic context menu or ribbon or anything else, and which interface language do you have.
Thanks for reporting the issue, we were able to reproduce it.
Thanks for reporting the issue, we were able to reproduce it.