How to control sub-topic layout in exported html5 map

John W. shared this question 10 days ago
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Hi All,

In a map for a simple checklist with sub topics for each checklist item, I set the design for sub-topics of the main topic to be Tree map, and use Format-Topic for each of those to set sub-topics to be Right map. Everything renders as I would expect in Win10, MM 23. Tree for main topic, and Right for all those below.

However, when I export the map to html5 the second level topics always render as Tree maps, not as Right maps as configured in the source mmap file. I can set the main topic to Right Map, and it will render as a Right map in the export, but all the lower level sub-topics still render as Tree maps.

You can see the result at

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong or is this a known bug in Mindmanager?


Best Answer

Solved. I used topic styles to format the sub-topics in the original map. The style was created when they were originally formatted with Tree sub-topics.

Updating the style of the sub-topics from a tree to right-formatted solved the export problem.

In summary, it looks like the export function uses the underlying style parameter for sub topics layout rather than the actual format of the topic in the source map.

I would consider this a bug in the export routine although there may be other considerations.

Replies (8)



as to me, I see your result. However, without looking into your original mindmap xml I can only guess how to solve this.

By the way, are you entitled to work with MM24? There might be some improvements...


I can only agree with Tobias, it would be great to see the original file. I tried it, but I couldn't reproduce the error. One question came to my mind: Is the main topic really the main topic of a map, or is it already a sub-branch?

Does the error also occur if you create a completely empty new Mindmap, add sub-branches, and then publish it? Without any additional formatting?


@ Rene, Tobias,

Thanks for your thoughts on this. I created a new test map as suggested and the problem doesn't show up so it's probably not the version (I do have access to MM24 but haven't upgraded yet).

I also saved the source file as XML and had a look for anomalies but I'm not familiar with the MM XML format. The only tag I found that I thought might be relevant was SubTopicsGrowth which was set to urn:mindjet:AutomaticHorizontal everywhere I found it except for one place where it was set to urn:mindjet:Right and another where it was set to urn:mindjet:LeftAndRight. But I couldn't tell which topics they were referencing. I've attached the source file if you're able to take a look.

Many thanks for any insights you can offer!


Hello John,

is that what you mean? The 2nd branch?



Hi Rene,

Thanks for checking it out. Just to confirm my understanding of the terminology, in this view the main topic and second topic (Hygiene) have Tree sub-topic layouts and the third (Anti-virus) has Map sub-topic layout.

What I'm hoping for is for the Main topic to have Tree sub-topics, and then all those sub-topics to have Map sub-topic layout. The mmap file I posted works fine when rendered by MM but when exported to HTML5 and rendered in a browser (chrome) the level 2 sub-topics always render as Tree structure, not Map structure..

For this map I set the Design - Map Layout to Tree, and then individually formatted each of the sub-topics to "Map" layout.


My mistake. I had not tested it as an HTML5 file. It is true that the radial becomes a tree structure.
Thats the map


And thats the HTML5 file



Yes, exactly. For this map the export to HTML5 converts Right-Map formatted sub-topics to Tree-Map.

My export test of a very simple worked fine, so something in the formatting or structure of this particular map might be causing this issue.

Is this something that should be reported as a potential bug in the export process?


Solved. I used topic styles to format the sub-topics in the original map. The style was created when they were originally formatted with Tree sub-topics.

Updating the style of the sub-topics from a tree to right-formatted solved the export problem.

In summary, it looks like the export function uses the underlying style parameter for sub topics layout rather than the actual format of the topic in the source map.

I would consider this a bug in the export routine although there may be other considerations.

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