Adding any date as a Topic Property

Angus M. shared this question 37 hours ago
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How do I add any date to a branch as a topic property? If I define the field format as 'Date' it then only gives me the option to add today's date. Is it not possible to add a date other than today as a topic property, as you can easily do in a spreadsheet? I would like to use the date topic property to then filter the map for branches before / after a defined date. It only seem possible to add a date as a text field, which cannot be filtered.

Seems a major oversight if so (but more than likely user ignorance on my part). The online help is no help in the matter, and there's no reference to the issue searching on here.

Replies (2)


If you want to change the date, there is a small arrow in the property field on the right. When you click on it, a calendar opens, and you can select the date.


Ahh thankyou Rene, I see it now. However it is not very user friendly. I can't seem to enter a date manually by typing. Is scrolling through calendar screens the only way to enter data? I need to add dates that could go as far back as the 1940's, that's a hell of a lot of scrolling for each one.

Also i cannot seem to change the date format, it's only DD/MM/YYYY. Again am I missing something?

I've no idea what's going on with the MM24 online help. When I search on 'Topic Properties' there are 'no matching topics found'!!!


You can overtype date fields, but as René has pointed out, this only works for dates on or after 1st January 1970. It just ignores any keystrokes that would result in a year before 1970. This input method is almost unworkable.

I think the date format will follow the short date format configured in the Windows control panel.


Once again thankyou very much for the link to the previous discussion. This is obviously one of your pet subjects too.

I couldn't understand one your contributions in the the thread which was a screenshot of you using a 'Masked Field' type. Again in the absence of any help from MindMaanger Help, can I ask how this approach actually helps wih the problem? How is this any more useful than just simply using a Text field?

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