How to edit existing keyboard shortcuts/disable them to make the keys available for other shortcuts

Drake shared this question 39 days ago
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I would like to create a keyboard shortcut for 'Copy Selected Topic Format to All Siblings' as going through the drop-down menu of Format Painter every time, is quite time consuming and takes you out of the planning, brainstorming mode.

Would also like to add keyboard shortcuts to other functions like 'Standard Image File' from the 'Image' menu in the right-click context menu.

If all keyboard shortcuts are already used, please make a function to disable the ones the customer is not using, to free them up for the ones they would like have keyboard shortcuts for.

Love the application and thank you for creating it!

Replies (4)


Not a direct answer to your question, but if you hold down the Ctrl key while applying the format painter, you can quickly reformat multiple topics. You can also drag a lasso around multiple topics in this mode.


Thank you @Nick D. for the workaround :)

Wish we could edit keyboard shortcuts and customize them according to our workflow.


For your question :

I would like to create a keyboard shortcut for 'Copy Selected Topic Format to All Siblings' as going through the drop-down menu of Format Painter every time, is quite time consuming and takes you out of the planning, brainstorming mode.

There is functionality that allows you to do this for the whole map - and you can save for later use. And you can have many of those for different purposes.

Just use as in the images.




Thank you for the suggestion @Ary V. !

I think that's a great idea if we have a single design format in the map design.
I have quite a few color and font size formats in the map, to distinguish various topics and subtopics from each other and quick identification :)


If you have to change a lot during mapping, it is always wise to design a system where you cover all different aspects and options - I am sure you have.
If you have not - you seem to be in big trouble ;-)

And then you could use Smartrules to automate most of that in combination with the design format that is as close as possible to what you always use.

This will save you lots and lots of time.

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