AI compatibility with windows

George W. shared this question 2 months ago
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Is MindManager working on integration with AI

Replies (1)


It is already available


what i can see it is mostly that filelinker someone shared before. (i also saw copilot but it sticks to microsoft and chatgpt i think, althought copilot now have claude 3)

these are external addons, work in some way but not perfect.


How do you think it should work? Can you give an example?

I use the Filelinker for inserting structured text into mind maps.


**Comparing AI Integration: Cursor vs MindManager Add-ons**

I've been exploring Cursor's AI integration and want to share my observations compared to MindManager's AI add-ons.

**Cursor's AI Features:**

- Can open and work with Obsidian vaults (folders of .md files)

- Interactive AI workflow:

- Highlight text in notes

- Press Ctrl+I

- Enter your prompt

- AI responds below highlighted area

- Offers accept/reject options for changes

- Well-integrated conversation context within the editor

**MindManager AI Add-ons (current state):**

- Basic AI integration:

- Highlight topic text

- Auto-sends text as prompt

- Inserts AI response as sub-topic

- Limitations:

- No accept/reject functionality

- No conversation memory/context

- Less integrated workflow

**Key Differences:**

1. Cursor offers more control over AI interactions with accept/reject options

2. Cursor's AI integration feels more native to the editing experience

3. MindManager's approach is more automated but less flexible

While MindManager's AI add-ons serve a purpose, Cursor's implementation offers a more sophisticated and interactive AI assistance experience, particularly for working with markdown files and maintaining conversation context.

i believe, currently the mindmanager + addon is more like copilot + gpt or claude,

while cursor is vscode + gpt or claude, cursor is a heavily modified vscode to make them integrated.

i.e. mindjet need to do more, if she wants to give more.


So you like Cursor.

Why not make a Cursor to MindManager integration yourself?

Show us the results of that work and provide it to the world.

Maybe there is another person who likes it.


obsidian is using plain text in .md markdown files, so cursor can read, can write.

mindmanager 's .mmap is a zipped folder, with files (varies, esp the .xml) within it.

i am not sure what could i do.

but if possible, i think the savior will write a cursor extension, that can read/write .mmap files by transparently unzipping the .mmap , let cursor modify it, and save back into a zip file?

would like to here others opinions thanks


claude 3.5 sonnet suggest a go for a cursor extension (indeed is vs code) to read write the .mmap as zip files.

i'll put the info here, may TRY later.

---Based on your discussion about integrating AI with MindManager, I understand you're exploring the possibility of creating better integration between Cursor and MindManager's .mmap files. Here's my analysis:

**Technical Challenges:**

1. MindManager's .mmap format is indeed a zipped container with XML files, making direct integration more complex than plain markdown files

2. Any integration would need to handle both reading and writing of the zipped format correctly

**Potential Solution Approaches:**

1. **Extension-based Approach:**


def handle_mmap_file(file_path):

# Unzip the .mmap file

with ZipFile(file_path, 'r') as zip_ref:

temp_dir = 'temp_extraction'


# Find and parse the main XML content file

xml_content = parse_mmap_xml(f'{temp_dir}/Document.xml')

# Convert to an editable format (e.g., markdown)

markdown_content = convert_xml_to_markdown(xml_content)

return markdown_content

def save_mmap_file(file_path, modified_content):

# Convert back to XML

xml_content = convert_markdown_to_xml(modified_content)

# Create new zip with modified content

with ZipFile(file_path, 'w') as zip_ref:

# ... preserve other files from original .mmap

# ... write modified XML


**Alternative Approaches:**

1. **API-based Integration:**

- If MindManager provides an API, you could build a bridge between Cursor and MindManager

- This would avoid direct file manipulation

2. **Plugin System:**

- Create a plugin for both Cursor and MindManager

- Use a common intermediate format for data exchange


1. Start by investigating if MindManager has an official API or SDK

2. Consider creating a proof-of-concept that just reads .mmap files first

3. Focus on maintaining file integrity during the conversion process

Would you like me to elaborate on any of these approaches or provide more specific implementation details for any particular aspect?


Ah, if it's just a zipped folder with XML, then we could create a relatively straightforward extension for Cursor that handles .mmap files! Here's a basic approach:


from zipfile import ZipFile

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import tempfile

import os

import shutil

class MMapHandler:

def open_mmap(self, mmap_path):

"""Extract and read .mmap file"""

# Create temp directory

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:

# Extract .mmap

with ZipFile(mmap_path, 'r') as zip_ref:


# Find and parse main XML file (usually Document.xml)

xml_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'Document.xml')

tree = ET.parse(xml_path)

return tree

def save_mmap(self, mmap_path, modified_tree, temp_dir):

"""Save modified content back to .mmap"""

# Save modified XML

xml_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'Document.xml')


# Create new .mmap (zip) with modified content

with ZipFile(mmap_path, 'w') as zip_ref:

for root, _, files in os.walk(temp_dir):

for file in files:

file_path = os.path.join(root, file)

arcname = os.path.relpath(file_path, temp_dir)

zip_ref.write(file_path, arcname)


This could be the core functionality for a Cursor extension. The extension would:

1. Watch for .mmap files being opened

2. Unzip and extract the XML

3. Allow Cursor's normal editing capabilities

4. On save, repackage everything back into the .mmap format

Would you like me to elaborate on how to structure this as a proper Cursor extension?


btw, i also use github desktop, programmers use it to keep versioning of codes,

however i think it could also be used to keep versioning of mindmaps.

and a plugin for github desktop to RW .mmap is also be of useful

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