How to set Tag Groups = Show as an application wide setting

Pieter_van_der_Hijden shared this question 3 months ago
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I would like to have the Tag Groups = Show option (see Topic Info Display Settings) as an application wide setting. How can I do that?

  • Using the default template for new maps (Radial Map.mmat) and adding the required setting does not work. I can change the setting, but the change is immediately undone again.
  • Creating my own template file and adding the required setting does not work either. Again, I can set the setting, but it is immediately removed again.

Please, advice.

Replies (1)


IMHO the issue may be classified as a bug:

  • Editing a template map and changing the Topic Info Display Settings for Tag Groups from Hide to Show (and saving it of course), has no effect.

In the meantime I found a workaround:

  • Create a new map using your favorite template, eg "Radial Map.mmat".
  • Save your new map AS A MAP in a convenient place, eg the My templates folder.
  • On creating a new map, do NOT USE the regular "Radial Map.mmat" TEMPLATE, but open the "Radial Map.mmap" MAP and SaveAs subsequently
  • Your new map will have the right display setting without further intervention.

You may ask why is this important, as I could change the setting manually with about 4 mouse clicks. In the case of a single map, you are right. However, for a special project, I have to generate almost 1000 maps. That makes 4000 extra mouse clicks I really like to avoid ;)

Macro statement to open the map with the correct Show Tag group setting:

 With VisibleDocuments.Open(GetPath(mmDirectoryMyTemplates) + "Radial Map.mmap")
