Wenn/Dann Bedingung in Formal

Lars T. shared this question 8 months ago
Discussion Open

Hallo zusammen,

ich möche eine wenn/dann Bedingung in einer Formel verwenden. Aber ich kann nirgendwo eine Lösung finden.

Habt Ihr eine Lösung?

Danke für Eure Mühe.

Replies (2)


Hi Lars,

Unfortunately there is no formal IF/THEN condition in MindManager formulas, but there are a number of workarounds for this.

For example, you can use comparison operators such as is equal to, is not equal to, is greater than or less than, etc, to compare two numeric topic properties or a numeric topic property against a certain number. If the comparison is valid the formula will return a “1” and if it isn’t, a “0”. These operators can be used in conjunction with all the basic operators available in MindManager formulas, as well as with the AND OR logic operators and also brackets, as shown in the following table:


SmartRules are also a form of IF/THEN statement, and have the advantage that you can use them with non-numeric variables like text, icons, tags etc. You can also use SmartRules in combination with formulas, for example by using them to create topic properties with numeric values as effects, or conversely using formula outputs as triggers.

I wrote several articles on my blog a few years ago about using formulas and SmartRules as IF/THEN statements: https://sociamind.com/2021/03/28/logic-time-and-money-more-mindmanager-formula-surprises-part-2/ and https://sociamind.com/2019/05/07/mindmanager-integrations-3-the-logic-revolution/. Some aspects of these articles are a bit out of date and I wrote the second article before I became aware of the existence of comparison operators in MindManager formulas (still something which I think could be better advertised), but they will still hopefully provide a useful start.


Hi Lars,

Sometimes you have to think outside the box when building formulae. A few weeks ago we had the topic of tags and arithmetic here again. Which also only works with tricks.
The link refers to a webinar and a mind map with the topic of calculation.



Hi Rene, dein Link ist leider tot 😥


The lack of a “genuine” IF/THEN function is annoying and rectifying this is one of my top requests to MindManager. However, we also have to acknowledge that this is a mind mapping program not a spreadsheet, and in this regard is already far ahead of its competitors. The workarounds are a little cumbersome but not that bad once you understand how formulas and SmartRules work.


Guten Tag zusammen,

meinen ganz herzkichen Dank für Eure Hilfe!

(Ich bin ein Jahr infolge Krebs aus dem Rennen und fange nun zaghaft wieder an, mich mit der BI in meinem Tätigkeitsbereich einzudenken)

@ Alex: Prima, Dein Beitrag. ich hatte tatsächlich, mutmaßlich mit einer anderen Erwartungshaltung mit Vergleichsoperatoren gearbeitet. Ich werde Deine Anregungen noch mal einsetzen. Ansonsten gebe ich Dir Recht MM ist schon in der Verarbeitung von Aggregationvorschriften sehr gut. Aber: "Wer aufgehört hat, besser sein zu wollen, hat aufgehört gut zu sein"

@Andreas und René: Das checke ich nachher auch mal ab! Danke!!!


Hallo Lars,

ich wünsche Dir alles Gute und viel Kraft. Ich würde Dir gern etwas zum Thema zusenden. Leider gibt es hier keine PM. Wenn Du willst schick mir eine Nachricht https://www.ubrw.de/kontakt/



Hi Lars,

Good luck with this - and with your recovery.

While the process of using comparison operators and SmartRules as alternatives to a proper IF/THEN statement is a little cumbersome you can actually do quite a lot with these approaches once you get the hang of them. They also offer some advantages - for example I think it's a little bit easier with the more direct approach to the application of font or topic effects using SmartRules in MindManager than it is to do the equivalent with conditional formatting in Excel.

If you want some more information on using comparison operators have a look at the articles I mentioned earlier and if you want to discuss any of this further I can also be contacted via my website: https://sociamind.com/

