Import large Excel files

Rob K. shared this question 8 months ago
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I have an excel table with a little over 19000 rows that i need to import into Mindmanager. The import works well up to about 8000 rows then comes to a near standstill. Using Task Manager on Windows 11 Professional, I can see the import working. The import will complete but in about 12 hours. After that the mindmap is almost useless because the application responds very slowly. I am importing about 5 levels and will try with fewer levels. Does Mindmanager have a practical limit or is there something I need to do differently.

Replies (2)


At 19,000 rows by five columns or levels you’re looking at a map with 95,000 topics which is an extremely large map indeed.

Have a look at this thread about dealing with very large maps: Your best option is probably to import the spreadsheet in sections to separate maps and then link these with a dashboard map.


I had the same experience with large Excel tables, but after max. 30 min the import was finished

But I only had 5000 lines
