32 Bit vs. 64 Bit? Importance?

detlef.huss shared this question 4 months ago

For more than 30 years I'm running the MindManager by its default bit width, which is for me for the time being 32 Bit. What would be the advantage of 64 Bit?

As far as I understand, there is no option when installing. Instead the installation routine looks first for the OS, 64 Bit in my case, second for MS Office 365, 32 Bit in my case and goes for the lower variant.

Before taking the effort of unstalling and repeated installation both of MS 365 as well as MindManager - "Never change a running system!" - I would like to be informed. Current trigger for this question is my attempt of editing a quite large process map (size 4 x A0 ("wall paper / hidden picture puzzle"), triple digit number of steps).

Replies (2)


I am not 100% certain, but I believe the selection controls whether MindManager installs 32-bit or 64-bit Add-Ins to your Microsoft Office desktop applications. These Add-Ins provide access to MindManager from the Office applications, e.g. the "Send to MindManager" button in the Home tab in Excel.


Tx! That would ensure the compatibility with MS 365.

Is there a more "compelling" advantage, like the ability to draw larger maps?


I did not see any other functional differences referenced in the user guide.


Have just received from support on my ticket "crash with message 'Not enough memory'", the advice to upgrade to 64 Bit, as that should allow larger maps.

Didn't knew that, but sounds reasonably.


hi Detlef,

the bit-version needs to be the same between your MS Office installation and MindManager. Otherwise you wouldn't get the Linker-Icons in Outlook, Word and Excel.

That's the only difference.

I've never recognized that larger maps (> 50MB) would load faster. The graphic card will make a difference in that case.


Tx. The journey originally started with large process maps and a few crashes. Tx to the support, I was able to fix it, by upgrading to 64 Bit. It's not regarding the loading velocity, it's regarding the reliability.

Tricky thing is, that MS 365 installs per default as 32 Bit, regardless of Windows. MindManager takes this up. It requires an explicit 64 Bit option when installing MS 365 to get MindManager in 64 Bit, which is required for really large maps.
