MindManager feature request: Multiple select width

torgrim shared this idea 10 months ago
Voting Open

Many times when pasting in items, I would like to adjust the width of all the topics.
After paste, all topics are selected in the mind map, but dragging to adjust the width only works for one topic... Would be nice to have a multiple select of topics and the width was adjusted for all selected with one drag.

Replies (2)


Have you tried the Layout ribbon?

Demo in video


No, thanks for the tip.


No, that is not what I am looking for.

Example: Insert a topic with so much text that it flows over 2+ lines. (see attached image)
Next, duplicate it 8-10 times.
Now I want you to make all those topic flow in one line only (make the width wide enough for all of them).
Easy and intuitive way to do this would be to select all topics, then drag one of the topics to tht right until all topics are one liners.

Another workaround is to make map template very wide, but this makes every topic wide/one-liners, which I very seldom want.
