Physical Book

Judy G. shared this question 11 months ago
Discussion Open

Looking to purchase a physical book format on this software - Greatly Appreciate any help - Thank you and Happy Planning :)

Replies (3)


I could be wrong but I don't think there's been a physical guidebook - or even an online one - since about version 8, and it would be hopelessly out of date by now.

The next best option used to be to download (and optionally print) the PDF version which MindManager used to provide with every new release. Unfortunately in their infinite wisdom MindManager stopped doing that with version 21 for Windows - you can still access most of the information via the online help link which still comes with every version, but this isn't exactly print-friendly.

My advice would be to download the guide for V21 and use that. Obviously versions 22 and 23 have additional features that won't be covered and one or two things might work in different ways, but about 95% of the information will still be relevant and accurate. The MM21 guide can be found at:

However, if you are going down this route, do it soon. V21 is now the oldest Windows version MindManager provide support for, and as soon as V24 is released there's a good chance that the V21 user guide will disappear forever.


Thank you so much - Downloaded and this is Great and Greatly Appreciated :) I was on a webinar the other day, and one of the attendees mentioned a book, but perhaps it was this PDF file - I miss the old days when we had a physical manual to work from. It was so much simpler than printing 5 zillion pages and trying to print them LOL! Thanks again so very much and Happy Mapping :)


Hi Judy,

I can understand that. I love books but unfortunately .....

I know that @Andreas Lercher has published books for older versiones in German.

MindManager for Dummies is a book in English.

Personally, webinars and the corresponding documentation have helped me.

I have taken use cases and the corresponding functions. Over time, you get to know the corresponding options. And it's fun to try out new things.

And here you will find many experts for you questions.



Thanks so much :) So much to learn so little time LOL! Tis nice to be able to reach out to others for advice and help :) Thanks again so much and Have a Great Day!


Hi Judy,

Glad to be of help.

I realised after I posted my response that the book I could recall was actually the "MindManager for Dummies" publication that René mentioned, but it's now 20 years old and therefore largely useless for current versions of MM. Andreas's book looks interesting and is quite a bit more recent, but my German simply isn't up to reading it so I don't know what it's like,

As René said, apart from the V21 user guide I mentioned there are quite a few resources online including webinars on the MindManager website and also YouTube videos. I also post the occasional article on advanced techniques to use with MindManager on my blog at
