Ability to open groups of files at the same time.

James shared this idea 12 months ago
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Ability to create groups of files so that you could open them at the same time.

I regularly open several related maps at the same time and this would make things quicker.

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Replies (2)


I have supported your suggestion.

The way I do this until now:I leave the connected mindmanager files open when I close the app.

In the windows version they will open all when I restart using the software

The only flaw I found is: If these maps are located in different (cloud and/or local) locations, startup time takes a while


Thanks @Ary V. That's a great interim solution - I've just gone to File>Options>General>General options: and selected "Reopen last open local maps on startup", rather than the "Open document on startup: New document" that was selected.

Ideally, I'd be able to pre-define groups, have more than one group available, and be able to manage the specific maps in each group, but this will do for now!


Hello James

If you have a top-level map that links to the others in its collection, you can do the following:

  • Open the "Linked Maps" view in the View tab,
  • Ctrl+Click on several of the linked maps,
  • Click the "Open Map" button to open all the selected linked maps.


Hi, Nick,

Apologies for the delay in responding - I've just tried this and it works great, thank you.

In addition to helping with my initial requirement, I especially like the fact I can include links to the same file in several branches of the top-level map - I've got branches in the top level map for each stage of my overall process, where one particular map gets completed at the end of each stage, whereas other maps are unique to each stage.

I'm going to use the method you've suggested to set up a windows folder with a collection of blank templates that I use for my client engagements so that each time I get a new client, I can duplicate the folder and all the maps in it to a new client folder in windows, with the top-level map linking to the underlying maps contained in that specific folder - I just need to get the relative, rather than absolute file linking right...


Another option is to use the My Maps pane and create a collection to which you can add shortcuts to the maps you want to group together.

As far as I can tell you can't open the whole group with one click but provided you don't have too many maps you can click on them individually. The effect is similar to Nick's suggestion but you don't have to create a top-level map.


Thank you Alex, I've had Mind Manager since x5 Pro and I've never used the My Maps pane!! I've previously just pinned files in the recent files section of the open menu but this gives that extra ability to structure sub-categories, which is great - Thankyou.


Thanks James.

Also if you have the MAP add-in for MindManager this has a Collection Access feature. You still have to use the My Maps task pane to create map collections, but once you have done so you can open them in three clicks if you have the MAP add-in - first click to open the MAP ribbon, second click on the Collection Access icon (assuming you have added it to the MAP ribbon) to show the Collection list, then a third click on the relevant Collection entry in the list to open all the associated maps.


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