Can i use macros to simplify the additon of a map roll up?

krsto e. shared this question 12 months ago
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1. first show the source map in an explorer windows

2. in the target map, choose a topic then advanced -> add map roll up

3. when it ask for the file, since i use listary (or others), i just click in "1"'s windows and click back in the window by mm, it will go into the "1"'s directory, and i can easily pick the target map.

4. however i have to very carefully choose click -> click -> click into the branch i wanna make map roll up. VERYtime consuming and error prone in this step. if wrong, have to re-do.

i wish, i could "copy as hyperlink" in any map, then "add as map roll up" in another map.

could macro do this? advise appreciated. thanks

i only have mm2020.

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