Gannt Chart task order

Mitchell shared this question 12 months ago

I have created a large map to plan activities over time with dependency logic between tasks. I have then added resources and durations to each activity.

I then turned this into a Gantt chart using the "show Gantt pro" feature. I would like to change the order of tasks in the left column to how I would like to better visualise the workstreams. Can this be done? You can see in my Gantt chart the dependences go up and down the chart as the activities are not in a good order.

From what I can see, I can only "sort chart by start date" or "sort chart by map order", neither of which allow you to see the dependences and work streams easily. Is there a manual way to order them?


Replies (4)


Good morning,

I am not aware of any other sorting option.

If you mark these with a tag, you can filter them. The filtered ones are then displayed in the Gantt.


Are there sub-processes in your visualisation?
If you mark these sub-processes with a tag, you can then filter them. The filtered ones are then displayed in the Gantt.
When it comes to project tasks, I prefer to set up a phase-orientated WBS. This means that the dependencies are only ever in one phase.



Thanks René, good points - I think we were answering at the same time :-)


The "map order" used by the Gantt chart relates to the tree structure, as the Gantt feature is primarily designed to work with WBS trees. WBS allows you to create summaries and roll-ups, and the basic goal of a Gantt chart is to show a project in date sequence from beginning to end. The order in which floating topics are returned by MindManager is indeterminate; this affects other tree-oriented exports such as the Word export, not only the Gantt chart. If a network of tasks represents your project better than a tree, then you could make the Gantt chart more readable by using filtering. You could mark groups or sequences of tasks with icons, colours, or tags, then filter the map by these markers, so that the Gantt chart shows only a filtered workstream.


Hi Mitchell,

I'm afraid those are the only two options.

In your case to complicate matters it appears you have either started with a free-form map template and/or have used floating topics which are linked only by relationship lines, which means that it is very difficult for the Gantt chart to "read" the map order.

If you start with a more traditional map template with a central topic then it is easier to move main topics and their branches around in the map view to change the Gantt chart order.

Edit: Apologies - I started this reply and then left it for a while. It was only when I posted that I realised that in the interim Rene and Nick had explained the situation far more eloquently than me and also suggested some solutions.


Thank you for the responses. It is a shame I cannot simply move the order of the tasks in the Gantt chart manually and have the best of both worlds (a network of tasks and an easily readable Gantt chart). I will try both of the methods you have mentioned and see which gives the best results.


Hi Mitchell,

Have you tried the highlight connections feature in MindManager Windows 23?

While this doesn't apply to Gantt View, it can help you visualize the dependencies

"You can apply a visual effect that highlights relationships, dependency lines and connected topics or tasks related to a selected topic or task or group of topics or tasks.

By default, all relationships and task dependencies are highlighted, but you can choose to display only inbound or outbound ones. You can also specify the number of levels of connection to highlight. For example, if you choose to highlight one level, the visual effect only highlights relationships and task dependencies associated with the selected topic or task and those connected topics or tasks. If you choose two levels, highlighting is also applied to lines, topics and tasks linked to connected topics in level 1."


Hi Marian, I have not seen this. Is this only available in the 2023 version? My company are currently using the 2020 version.


Hi Mitchell,

Yes, Highlight Connections was introduced in MindManager 23.
