App Studio for MindManager

René W. shared this question 12 months ago
Discussion Open

Who is using the App Studio? What do you use the apps for? What experiences are there?

I would be happy if we could exchange our experiences here.

I currently use it for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of my seminars and training sessions.


Replies (2)


Great work René! It is inspiring to see how creative MindManager users are.

I have seen App Studio used in three ways:

  • To collect together resources around a well-defined business activity, as you have here
  • To create a "branded" set of resources and features, for example by a consultant who uses MindManager as a platform for delivering their expertise to clients
  • To implement special functions, for example a custom export to Excel that integrates with the client's business processes.

Disclosure: App Studio for MindManager is a third party product from Harport Consulting.


First of all, thanks for the great work Nick.
Another example:
I have built my own small development environment. It helps me to quickly build new apps for different areas.
