App Studio for MindManager

René W. shared this question 5 months ago
Discussion Open

Who is using the App Studio? What do you use the apps for? What experiences are there?

I would be happy if we could exchange our experiences here.

I currently use it for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of my seminars and training sessions.


Replies (2)


Great work René! It is inspiring to see how creative MindManager users are.

I have seen App Studio used in three ways:

  • To collect together resources around a well-defined business activity, as you have here
  • To create a "branded" set of resources and features, for example by a consultant who uses MindManager as a platform for delivering their expertise to clients
  • To implement special functions, for example a custom export to Excel that integrates with the client's business processes.

Disclosure: App Studio for MindManager is a third party product from Harport Consulting.


First of all, thanks for the great work Nick.
Another example:
I have built my own small development environment. It helps me to quickly build new apps for different areas.
